Home of Toronto's most tranquil and affordable sailing community.
Your cottage in the city.
APSC is the best kept secret in the Toronto Harbour.
A true sailing oasis in a unique urban wilderness.
A member-run sailing club in Toronto.
APSC is the best kept secret in the Toronto Harbour. What are we all about? A true sailing oasis in a unique urban wilderness. A member-run sailing club in Toronto. A mooring field for 100 sailboats. The best access to sailing on Lake Ontario in the GTA. A vibrant community of sailors from all walks of life.
To our members and their guests, we offer the use of our club house amenities. Best of all, we have a sandy beach to relax on in the shade after a day of sailing, and some of the best sunset views in Toronto.
Bird sanctuaries occupy much of the surrounding shorelines and it is not uncommon to see great blue herons gliding down for landings, next to swans who paddle around, ever on guard. Use the Birder's checklist to keep track of which of the 316 species that have been spotted!
It is hard to believe that you are only minutes away from Toronto’s downtown core
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We can’t see the city skyline
All we can see is the blue sky, trees surrounding the mooring basin, fluffy clouds, and stars at night
We don’t have a lot of night life close by
Just a quiet anchorage, sounds of birds, yips of coyotes, the odd slap of a beaver tail, friendly dinners by candlelight, quiet conversations with other members and visitors but we do admit that the social functions sort of break the mold.
We aren’t next to a major roadway or city attractions
So parking is free, and the only background noise comes from the birds, people having fun, and boats entering and leaving the mooring basin.
We aren’t next to a manicured park
We have wilderness trails to explore, and arguably the best birding and wildlife area in the city.
We don’t have dining room or bar tabs
We have big social events but no associated monthly fees and dress code. Bring your own food and refreshments to enjoy alongside friends at the end of the dock.
We have everything you need for the ultimate sailing club experience
Your cottage in the city and overnight mooring
Renovated Club House powered by sustainable solar energy
Renovated washrooms
Mooring ball for each membership
Fleet boat program
Large, floating docks
Free unlimited parking
Shuttle service from the parking lot to the club on weekends
Week day drive-in privilege's
Parties and social events
Reciprocal visitor rights at many clubs around Lake Ontario and beyond