Home of Toronto's most tranquil and affordable sailing community.
Your cottage in the city.
Duty Officer
The Duty Officer position ensures the safety of our members and guests and is the club ambassador when visitors and guests visit the club.
The duties are:
Run the Shuttle Service if the Shuttle Driver is running late, or is not able to make his shift.
Check the entire property looking for safety issues and record in the log book which is located in the oar shed in the back room on the table. Advise any issues by email to the Safety Director (saftey@aquaticpark.com), and copy the Chief Duty Officer (duty_officer@aquaticpark.com). Note any issues such as damage, missing items, and overall upkeep of the facilities.
Incidents or complaints must be recorded in the logbook. If an incident or complaint is not recorded it is difficult to verify or talk about it later.
Everybody is allowed to write a note in the log any day of the week. If there is not a log started for that day just write on the back of the previous log. If you wish, send me a note at duty_officer@aquaticpark.com and I will add your note to the log. I will also accept digital visual and audio footage and try to incorporate it into the log.
Each member is responsible for insuring the facilities are left in the same or better state than before they used the clubs property. However, there may be times when the Duty Officer will have to complete the following items:
monitoring VHF Channel 16 and the new clubhouse phone
sweeping out the clubhouse
checking the work boat/motor
record all boats on the dock
meet and greet all reciprocal sailors and the public
assign a reciprocal ball 40 and 42 (see map located in logbook)
cleaning the windows
distributing brochures and information on APSC
empty the washroom garbage and restocking washroom supplies
checking barbeques/propane tanks
drinking water is available
checking defibrillator
general straightening up of lounge and kitchen area
Monitor the VHF radio in the clubhouse. See emergency contact list and information which is located in the Logbook binder.
Assist members and guests on the docks, and greet reciprocal guests. The general public are not allowed on the docks. Children under the age of 12 are required to wear approved lifejackets on the docks at all times – this is NOT negotiable.
Record all license plates of vehicles in the parking area at the club. As we are allowed only two vehicles at the club facility on weekend and holidays it is important that we insure that we abide by this, as violating this endangers our vehicle access to the club.
Duty Officer Hours – Please arrive at the club by 8:30 am to insure only authorized vehicles are on the club grounds during weekends and holidays. Our agreement with the TRCA states that only two vehicles are allowed to park at the clubhouse on weekends/stat holidays. If there are more than two vehicles (and the vehicle owner is not at the club), you and the Shuttle Driver may be required to move your vehicles to the parking area. Any parking violation should be recorded in the daily log. The Duty Officer shift ends at 6 pm.
Meet and greet all visitors to the APSC grounds. The purpose is to insure that the public are aware that the facilities and equipment are for the exclusive use of club members and guests. It is important that the public understands that the club facilities (docks, clubhouse, etc) is off limits. When greeting the public, this is an opportunity for the Duty Officer to promote the club to new potential members.