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Your cottage in the city.
Summer Social Season at a Glance
Social Events are one of the highlights of membership at Aquatic Park Sailing Club. This year we will be bringing live music for the main events and we hope for larger more exciting events as we look forward to great food, stories, music and dancing.
Updates about our socials:
Many elements remain the same as last year, but there are some notable changes.
During the difficult times of Covid the club subsidized the cost of the socials and awarded work hours for members bringing prepared food for the ‘pot-luck’ functions.
Since the return to a more normal sailing season, we will be reinstating our traditional practices regarding social events. This was announced at the AGM
We will again be charging for social dinners – Ten dollars a person, including guests. Children under 14 can eat for free. This will help fund the main courses, to always ensure there will be enough
The success of our events depends upon everyone’s creativity and generosity. Members attending dinner are expected to bring a potluck side dish / dessert contribution large enough for a sizeable contribution.
The club will open up a social portal for:
Sign up attendance that will ask members to list the number of people expected to attend, including children and guests.
A place to add the potluck contribution that you will be bringing – you be able to see what others are bringing so we can balance the mains, salads and desserts.
Members will be encouraged to sign up and pay through the website for events prior to the social date.
Work hours will be given to members who participate in set up, clean up, cooking during events. (Reach out to the social committee, if you want to be a regular on our team – it is a fun, easy way to earn work hours). There are no more work hours for food contribution
Dates for Food Frolick and Fun
May 13 - Spit Clean -up - Morning – Evening Fire to welcome the Season
June 10 - Blessing of the Boats am / Sail Past afternoon - Dinner + Music
July 8 - Summer Social - Dancing Under the Stars - Dinner + Music
August 12 – The Traditional Pig Roast - Dinner + Music
September 9 - Force Ten - Dinner + Music
October 21 - Thanksgiving Dinner at the clubhouse – (no charge for dinner)
December - Commodore's Ball – date and location to de announced later